Select the best plan for your hosting needs

The web hosting industry's most reliable, intuitive control panel since 1997. With our first-class support and rich feature set, it's easy to see why our customers and partners make cPanel & WHM their hosting platform of choice.
  • Custom cPanel

    From $6.40/mo
    $15.00 Setup Fee
    Order Now
    • Need a custom cPanel?

      Select to custom configure all cPanel options
  • cPanel Website Hosting

    From $5.00/mo
    $15.00 Setup Fee
    Order Now
    • 500MB Data Storage
    • 1 Domain
    • 1GB/mo Bandwidth
    • 1 Database
    • Upgradable Anytime
  • cPanel Plus Email

    $15.00 Setup Fee
    Order Now
    • 10GB Data Storage
    • 4GB/mo. Bandwidth
    • 5 Domains
    • 1 FTP Accounts
    • 5 Email Accounts
    • 5 Databases
    • Upgradable Anytime
Included With Every Plan
  • Password Protected Directories
  • IP Address Denial
  • Easy to Configure SSL/TLS Config
  • GnuPG Key Settings
  • HotLink Protection
  • ModSecurity
  • Leech Protection
  • Graphical DNS Zone Editor
  • Graphical File Manager
  • Graphical Backup and Restore
  • Instrallatron with 100's of Apps w/ One Click Install
  • Webalizer, AWStats and more
  • phpMyAdmin

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